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We work with amazing people.


CJAC works with a variety of organizations supporting the effort to reduce incarceration rates, build more efficient means of pre-trial release and better serve the community with improved safety and healthier outcomes for all involved in the justice system. As a coalition of business and community leaders, law enforcement, nonprofit service providers, attorneys and judges, we share an interest in making Oklahoma County’s justice system more fair and efficient.


CJAC is led by three collaborating local governmental bodies: Oklahoma County, Oklahoma City and Edmond. The reforms forged are county-wide, but these three bodies are leading the efforts. 


Each of our council member's agencies bring something unique to the table. The problems plaguing our justice system are multifaceted and complex and each agency has something important to offer our reform efforts. 

Oklahoma County
Public Defenders 

Oklahoma County
District Court 

Oklahoma City Municipal Courts

Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority


Nonprofit service providers play a crucial role in creating long term change. Providing for basic needs, incarceration alternatives and mental health treatment will create a justice system is one in which all are treated with respect and dignity.

Oklahoma County
Court Services

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