The Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Advisory Council is a group of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including business and community leaders, law enforcement officials, nonprofit service providers, attorneys, and judges. They all have a common goal of improving the fairness and effectiveness of the justice system in Oklahoma County. Every quarter, they release reports detailing the progress of county-wide reform efforts. You can download the complete report by clicking the link below.
Highlights of the report:
Oklahoma county jail population hits historic 27-year low
CJAC is proud to announce that Oklahoma County Detention Center’s population has hit a historic 27-year low and no longer leads the state for having the most inmates imprisoned.
CO-OP program expands with new staff
The CO-OP mental health diversion program has grown to over 160 participants within a year, and it is expected to continue expanding with the addition of three recovery navigators hired by the Oklahoma County Diversion Hub.
Remembering the late Robert “Bob” Ravitz
On January 23, 2024, Robert "Bob" Ravitz, who was the Chief Public Defender of Oklahoma County and a founding board member of CJAC, presented his closing arguments. Following his passing, he was widely praised and celebrated for his achievements. CJAC has the immense responsibility of continuing its work in a manner that pays tribute to Bob’s life, dedication, and contributions. Additionally, CJAC must ensure that his resounding voice against injustice continues to be heard.
Read our full Midyear Report to learn more.